FusionReactor Agent¶
The FusionReactor Agent monitors Java and ColdFusion. It provides real-time and historical data on web transactions, memory and CPU usage, database query performance, code details like memory and thread profiling, garbage collection data, automated error detection, and more.
Current version: 2025.1.0 - 3 March 2025
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Installing the FusionReactor Administration Manager using the automatic installer is a simple process that starts with the download page.
Step 1: Install FRAM
Full installer |
Windows |
Linux |
MacOS |
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Step 2: Install a FusionReactor instance using FRAM
After successfully installing FRAM and activating your license key, the subsequent step involves installing FusionReactor onto a server.
Step 3: Install the Observabilty Agent (optional)
FusionReactor has significantly simplified monitoring integrations beyond ColdFusion and Java With the inclusion of the Observability Agent in the FRAM installation package, accessing the installation option is conveniently available through your updated FRAM UI.
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Manually installing FusionReactor requires you to directly place the FusionReactor installation files and configure the JVM arguments on your application servers.
Step 1: Create a directory structure for FusionReactor
Step 2: Download files into the directory structure
FusionReactor JAR
Debugger Native Library
Step 3: Stop your application server
Step 4: Add additional JVM arguments to your application server configuration
Add a Java agent path (-javaagent argument) pointing to the fusionreactor.jar file.
The Debug native library path (-agentpath argument) needs to be pointing to the debug library.
Step 5: Restart your application server
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Step 1: Start with your base image
FROM {your image}
RUN mkdir -p /opt/fusionreactor/instance/{your instance name}
file to the FusionReactor instance directory
ADD /opt/fusionreactor/instance/{your instance name}
Step 4: Add the debug library file (
) to the FusionReactor instance directory
ADD /opt/fusionreactor/instance/{your instance name}
Step 5: Set the JAVA_OPTS
environment variable to include FusionReactor in the JVM arguments
ENV JAVA_OPTS="-javaagent:/opt/fusionreactor/instance/{your instance name}/fusionreactor.jar=name=tomcat,address=8088 -agentpath:/opt/fusionreactor/instance/{your instance name}/"
Your Dockerfile should now be set up to create a Docker image with FusionReactor integrated into your chosen instance. Make sure to replace {your image} with the actual base image you intend to use and {your instance name} with your instance (eg. Tomcat) and look at our fusionreactor-docker GitHub repository for other example Dockerfiles.
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To install FusionReactor in your CommandBox, we recommend using the commandbox-fusionreactor module.
Step 1: Install the commandbox-fusionreactor module
CommandBox> install commandbox-fusionreactor
Step 2: Register your FusionReactor license
CommandBox> fusionreactor register XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX
Step 3 (optional): Use the following command to access the FusionReactor web admin
CommandBox> fusionreactor open
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Legacy versions¶
It is possible to download previous versions of the FusionReactor Agent.
Observability Agent¶
The Observability Agent, an open source autoconfiguration and installation tool, is a wrapper for the Grafana Agent that can install the agent, detect which services are running on your machine, and automatically create a configuration file with integrations for detected services.
For a simple install that doesn't rely on scripts, the Observability Agent is available via FRAM
Install via FRAM¶
After you have installed or upgraded your FRAM version, you’ll find the Observability Agent installer on the FRAM summary screen. Click the Install button, then Configure Install, and here you can configure your integrations to start monitoring them with FusionReactor Cloud.
To install the Observability Agent via FRAM, you must have a minimum version of FusionReactor 12.
Local install using code snippets¶
Step 1: In a terminal, download and run the installer
curl -O -L ""
chmod a+x ""
sudo /bin/bash
Step 1 In a terminal, download and run the installer
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "observability-agent-autoconf.ps1".\observability-agent-autoconf.ps1
Step 1: Prepare the API key
Before running your application in Docker, obtain an API key from the service or application you are working with. This API key is essential for authentication and configuration.
Step 2: Determine the environment variables
Determine which environment variables are required for your specific service or application. These environment variables are used to configure and customize the behavior of the service when running in Docker.
Step 3: Run the Docker container
docker run --env api_key=<your_api_key> --env mysql_connection_string=root:my-secret-pw@(mysql:3306)/ intergral/observability-agent:latest
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Step 1: Download files from our GitHub repo
Step 2: Customize the two files for installation
to your Kubernetes cluster name.
to your FR Cloud API key.
Step 3: Run the following commands to create a new namespace to hold & deploy stack
kubectl create namespace kube-prometheus-stack
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update
kubectl apply -n kube-prometheus-stack -f fr-cloud-kps-authentication-secret.yaml
helm upgrade --install -n kube-prometheus-stack -f fr-cloud-kps-values.yaml kube-prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --version 52.0.1
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