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Step 1 - Register for your free trial

Register for your 14-day free trial of FusionReactor Cloud.


With a FusionReactor Cloud trial your application servers will automatically send metric and performance data to the cloud – if you wish to keep everything local, choose the On-Premise trial.

Registration is quick and easy and NO credit card is required.

Step 2 - Download

Once registered you can login and view your new account.

You can get your license key from the FusionReactor Cloud > Accounts page (accessible from top right menu).

  • Before you start, create a directory for FusionReactor to reside. FusionReactor will use this directory to persist its configuration and unpack some of its dependencies. You need a unique directory for each usage of FusionReactor, I.e INSTANCE_NAME should reflect your server type (tomcat8) or application.

    ```batch tab="Windows" mkdir C:\FusionReactor\instance\INSTANCE_NAME cd C:\FusionReactor\instance\INSTANCE_NAME

    ```bash tab="Linux"
    mkdir -p /opt/fusionreactor/instance/INSTANCE_NAME
    cd /opt/fusionreactor/instance/INSTANCE_NAME

    ```bash tab="MacOS" mkdir -p /opt/fusionreactor/instance/INSTANCE_NAME cd /opt/fusionreactor/instance/INSTANCE_NAME

    ```bash tab="Arm64 (aarch64)"
    mkdir -p /opt/fusionreactor/instance/INSTANCE_NAME
    cd /opt/fusionreactor/instance/INSTANCE_NAME

    Remote Filesystems

    We do not recommend using a remote filesystem for your FusionReactor installation. These can affect performance and can cause configuration file corruption when the connection is lost.

  • Download

    Go into that directory and download the latest FusionReactor JAR and the debugger native library.

    ```batch tab="Windows" curl -o fusionreactor.jar curl -o frjvmti_x64.dll

    ```bash tab="Linux"
    curl -o fusionreactor.jar
    curl -o

    ```bash tab="MacOS" curl -o fusionreactor.jar curl -o libfrjvmti_x64.dylib

    ```bash tab="Arm64 (aarch64)"
    curl -o fusionreactor.jar
    curl -o

    Debugger Native Library

    The debugger native library is needed for the Debugger, Event Snapshot and Memory Profiler features to work which are available in the Ultimate, Developer Editions or using a Trial license. The native library does not support 32-bit operating systems or 32-bit versions of Java running on 64-bit operating systems.

Step 3 - Configuration

To install FusionReactor you need to configure the fusionreactor.jar and optionally the native debug library.

  • Configure the agents

    You need to add the following java arguments to your run scripts:

    ```batch tab="Windows" -javaagent:C:/FusionReactor/instance/INSTANCE_NAME/fusionreactor.jar=address=8088 -agentpath:C:/FusionReactor/instance/INSTANCE_NAME/frjvmti_x64.dll

    ```bash tab="Linux"

    ```bash tab="MacOS" -javaagent:/opt/fusionreactor/instance/INSTANCE_NAME/fusionreactor.jar=address=8088 -agentpath:/opt/fusionreactor/instance/INSTANCE_NAME/libfrjvmti_x64.dylib

    ```bash tab="Arm64 (aarch64)"

    For a full list of example configurations for each supported Application Server see Configuration Examples.

    Native Library

    You only need to add the native library into your java arguments if you have Ultimate, Developer Editions or using a Trial license.

    Port Number

    1. The address port, 8088, must be different for each instance that you have on the same host.
    2. If you are using a container environment you can expose the port to access the FusionReactor UI.
    • Configure Admin Password

    To automatically configure the password for the FusionReactor admin users access to the locally FusionReactor UI, you need to add the following java arguments

    bash tab="fradminpassword System Property" -Dfradminpassword=ADMIN_PASSWORD


    • If you do not set this java argument then you will have to set the admin password when you want to use the FusionReactor UI (normally http://localhost:8088)
    • Configure License Key

    To configure the license key of your FusionReactor instance you can add the following Java System Property.

    bash tab="frlicense System Property" -Dfrlicense=CLOUD-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX


    If you do not set this java argument then you will have to enter it into the About page of the FusionReactor UI (normally http://localhost:8088) and press Apply to license the instance before the FusionReactor UI can be used.

  • Configure Cloud Group (optional)

    To configure the automatic grouping of your FusionReactor instances you can set the following Java System Property

    bash tab=" System Property"

  • Start your application server or java process.

Start monitoring

Within a few minutes your server should appear online and start to push data to FusionReactor Cloud. Be sure to check out the following guides: