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Cloud Settings

Logging cloud settings

This page is used to alter the log shipper built into FusionReactor. Here you can:

  • alter which log files are shipped from the FusionReactor agent.

  • scrape additional logs to be shipped.

  • exclude logs from being shipped.

Minimum log send level

The minimum log level of logs FusionReactor will ship to the cloud.

Configuration Description Default
Minimum Log Send Level This setting defines what the minimum log level of log line FusionReactor will be sent to the cloud. info

Log shipping

Options to enable the shipping of the FusionReactor agent logs to the cloud.

These logs will provide value in the archive viewer and for log analysis locally, but lack value when being sent to the cloud as the log data will essentially be a duplicate of existing metrics or traces.

Metric logs are considered as logs created by the agent to track metrics over time, including:

  • classes.log
  • fr_thread.log
  • gc-*.log
  • memory-*.log
  • memorysummary.log
  • thread-state.log
  • heartbeat.log
  • resource.log

Transaction logs are logs of any tracked transaction in FusionReactor. By default, only a request log is created, but JDBC logging and Txn logging can be enabled. Log files include:

  • request.log
  • jdbc.log
  • transaction.log

Support logs are used by the Fusion Support team to diagnose issues. If you have an issue within an instance you may be asked to enable this setting. Logs include:

  • fr-probi.log
  • identity.log
  • osgi.log
  • odl.log
  • reactor.log
  • HTTP.log
  • cloud-state.log
  • datapack-transport.log
  • ir-audit*.log
Configuration Description Default
Transaction group logs This setting defines whether transaction logs will send ship to the cloud. false
Metric group logs This setting defines whether metric logs will send ship to the cloud. false
Support group logs This setting defines whether support logs will send ship to the cloud. false

Log scraping

Log scraping allows the FusionReactor agent to scrape content from any log file hosted on the server FusionReactor is installed on.


Sending logs via the FusionReactor agent is a simple way to send additional logs with limited configuration. It is not recommended for sending large quantities of data as it can slow down the application.

!!! note When scraping additional logs ensure that multiple FusionReactor instances are not scraping the same files. For example, if you have 3 instances on one machine scraping system files or stdout / stderr. While this won't cause errors, it will result in duplicate data.

You can specify a comma separated list of regex file paths including wildcards using the character: *.


For certain platforms or Java versions you may be required to escape slashes within your paths, so C:\ColdFusion would become C:\\ColdFusion.

Linux examples

To send all logs for a tomcat server: /opt/servers/tomcat/tc7/logs/*log

To send specifically the catalina.out log for a tomcat server: /opt/servers/tomcat/tc7/logs/catalina.out

To send just the CF exception and application log: /opt/coldfusion2018/cfusion/logs/exception.log,/opt/coldfusion2018/cfusion/logs/application.log

To send stdout and stderror: /dev/std*

Windows examples

To send all logs for a ColdFusion server C:\ColdFusion2018\cfusion\logs\*log

To send just the CF exception and application log on Windows: C:\ColdFusion2018\cfusion\logs\exception.log,C:\ColdFusion2018\cfusion\logs\application.log

To send the system logs C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\*log

💡 Tip: For certain platforms or Java versions you may be required to escape slashes within your paths, so C:\ColdFusion would become C:\\ColdFusion.

Testing your scrape pattern

Testing your scrape pattern displays a list of matching log files that will now be scraped.

📖 Learn more: Logging Regex Pattern Hints

Log exclusion

Log exclusions can exclude any logs sending to the FusionReactor cloud, either for security or to reduce data volume.

Similar to the scrape pattern you can add a regex pattern match for logs that will be blacklisted from sending, with the option of using the wildcard character: *

Example patterns to exclude the osgi and plugin logs of FusionReactor:



Testing your exclude pattern

Testing your exclude pattern will display a list of matching log files that will now be excluded from sending to the cloud.

📖 Learn more: Logging Regex Pattern Hints