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Shipping Kubernetes monitoring data to FusionReactor Cloud


This guide explains how to deploy the Kubernetes-Prometheus-Stack to send metric data from your Kubernetes cluster(s) directly to FusionReactor Cloud. This data can then be visualized in the Kubernetes dashboard set.


The Kubernetes-Prometheus-Stack is a deployable Helm chart which enables monitoring of Kubernetes clusters in FusionReactor Cloud.

Many aspects of the deployment can be customized using the Helm values input file.


These instructions have been checked against Kube-Prometheus-Stack Helm chart version 52.0.1 (Application Version v0.68.0).


Prior to beginning, ensure you have the following:

  • Access to your cluster via kubectl and helm.

  • A valid FusionReactor Cloud account, and an API key for the account.

  • A valid FusionReactor Cloud user in your account, with access to FusionReactor Cloud.


API keys can be managed under FusionReactor Cloud > User Menu > Account > API Keys


This is the procedure for configuring the Kubernetes-Prometheus-Stack to ship metrics data directly to FusionReactor Cloud.

Step 1: Download files

Download the following files from our GitHub repo.

  • fr-cloud-kps-values.yaml

  • fr-cloud-kps-authentication-secret.yaml

Step 2: Customize the two files for installation

  • fr-cloud-kps-values.yaml

Change CLUSTER_NAME to your Kubernetes cluster name.

  • fr-cloud-authentication-secret.yaml

Change PASSWORD to your FR Cloud API key.


Ensure you copy and paste the entire key.

Step 3: Create new namespace to hold & deploy stack

Run the following commands to create a new namespace to hold & deploy the stack

kubectl create namespace kube-prometheus-stack
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update
kubectl apply -n kube-prometheus-stack -f fr-cloud-kps-authentication-secret.yaml
helm upgrade --install -n kube-prometheus-stack -f fr-cloud-kps-values.yaml kube-prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --version 61.3.1

If the stack deploys correctly, it will begin shipping data to FusionReactor Cloud.


Check this using kubectl get pods -n kube-prometheus-stack.

Step 4: View your data

This data can be viewed in FusionReactor Cloud > Dashboards > Kubernetes


The Kubernetes Node Exporter for Clusters dashboard allows you to troubleshoot cluster problems right down to the VM level.


Upgrading from a previous chart

As there are Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) installed by this chart, both they and the chart itself should be uninstalled prior to upgrading the version. Failure to remove the CRDs will cause the upgrade to abort.

The normative information for performing this uninstall is here and reproduced below for your convenience:

Step 1: Uninstall the helm chart

helm uninstall -n kube-prometheus-stack kube-prometheus-stack

kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd

Step 2: Install the new chart

helm upgrade --install -n kube-prometheus-stack -f fr-cloud-kps-values.yaml kube-prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --version 61.3.1

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