Semantic Span Attributes
Attribute Key/Name |
Attribute Value |
Obfuscated/Unset when -Dfr.observability.trace.attributes.semantics.obfuscation.enabled=true |
net.peer.ip |
Remote IP. |
True | |
Remote hostname. |
True |
net.peer.port |
Remote port. |
True | |
Name of the database. |
False |
db.operation |
The database operation being executed. |
False |
db.statement |
The database statement being executed. |
True |
db.system |
Name of the database system being used. In this case, mongodb. |
False |
db.mongodb.collection |
The mongodb collection being executed against. |
False |
Span Name
Span names for MongoDB transaction spans take the form {db.operation} {}.{db.mongodb.collection}
Things to be aware of
- Semantic attributes aren't available for mongo-async-driver with versions earlier than 3.3.0
- Semantic attributes may be less accurate for versions earlier than 3.1.0
- Transaction settings, MongoDB Explain and Capture MongoDB results, aren't supported for new versions. It's best to disable them when using versions 4.0.0 and later.
Properties for MongoDB
Check the attributes page for general properties that can affect MongoDB transactions.
Property Key |
Default |
Description |
fr.observability.trace.propagation.mongoreadoperation.enabled |
true |
If enabled, allows MongoDB transactions to propagate trace context to ReadOperation, resulting in ReadOperation being a child span of MongoDB span. |
fr.observability.trace.sampling.fullmongotrace.enabled |
true |
If enabled, spans will be created for all Mongo related transactions. If disabled, spans will only be created for the main MongoDBConnection/MongoDBCommand transactions, when commands are sent to Mongo. |
fr.observability.trace.mongodb.listener.enabled |
true |
If enabled, an attempt will be made to add a CommandListener to MongoClients to achieve improved tracing. |
fr.observability.trace.mongodb.clonedocument.enabled |
false |
If enabled, will clone the command document in the CommandListener when it used. |
fr.observability.trace.mongodb.statement.length.max |
32 * 1024 |
The maximum length for the db.statement span attribute for MongoDB spans. |
Example Span
Example of a Mongo trace. The spans with names starting with find and getMore are the main/operation spans. |
Example of a Mongo async trace. |